Programs for early childhood

The Achievement Program - The Healthy Early Childhood Services Achievement Program is a free membership program supporting services to become healthier places. We help you achieve best practice policies and practices in health and wellbeing and receive Victorian Government recognition for your work.

Smiles 4 Miles is an initiative of Dental Health Services Victoria. The oral health promotion program is implemented in early childhood settings and works in partnership with local organisations with the aim to improve the oral health of children and their families in high risk areas of Victoria.

VegKit is an integrated program of research, with CSIRO, Flinders University and National Nutrition Foundation working together, to deliver tools and interventions to increase children's vegetable intake. User guides and resources outline best practice for different stakeholders who influence what children eat.

Parents’ Voice is an online network of parents who are interested in improving the food and activity environments of Australian children. Parents’ Voice was formed in 2004 and represents thousands of Australian parents.

The Stephanie Alexander Kitchen Garden Foundation supports educators to deliver pleasurable food education through a kitchen garden program. We provide professional development, educational resources, an online community and ongoing real-time support for teacher’s early years centres, primary and secondary schools.

The Australian Children’s Education and Care Quality Authority - is a government website that helps parents take their first step into early childhood education and care. It provides a range of free resources on child development, types of child care, finding child care, understanding quality ratings, and tips for at home activities.

INFANT is an evidence based program that helps parents/caregivers with healthy eating and active play from the start of their baby’s life. INFANT was developed by the Institute for Physical Activity and Nutrition (IPAN), Deakin University and has state-wide scale-up support from the Victorian Government.

Healthy Families Healthy Smiles is designed to support early childhood professionals to engage with children under 5 years and their families to share oral health messages. HFHS is delivered by Dental Health Services Victoria, with support from the Victorian Government.

The Australian Children’s Education and Care Quality Authority supports the Australian and state and territory governments and the education and care sector to deliver on the National Quality Framework. It provides guidance, resources and services to support the sector and monitors and promotes consistent application of the Education and Care Services National Law.
The Victorian Curriculum and Assessment Authority (VCAA) is a statutory authority, serving both government and non-government schools. The VCAA develops and implements the curricula and assessment for all students in Victoria from the early years to senior-secondary. The VCAA's mission is to provide high quality curricula, assessment and reporting to enable learning for life.
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