Getting started

We have developed a suite of Getting started guides to help you understand the steps required for successful implementation and to identify the best place to start.

Staff member ladeling food from a silver pot

Some guides to help you get started

Find a Cooks Network near you
Health promoter resources +2

Cooks’ Network Directory is a list of existing cooks’ networks...

Early childhood services
Join a cooks network
Plan a menu +5
Early childhood services
Getting started guide
Develop policy & contracts +1

For sport, recreation, workplaces & tertiary education.

Workplaces & Tertiary education +1
Getting started guide
Getting started

For schools

Getting started guide
Getting started

For out of school hours care

Getting started guide
Getting started

For health services

Health services
Getting started guide
Getting started

For early childhood services workers.

Early childhood services
Sorry, we coudn't find any resources for this organisation.

Common questions

If you need assistance, please contact our reception team on 1300 22 52 88.