Menu review booking form for OSHC

We aim to help organisations provide and promote healthier foods and drinks

We encourage a whole-of-organisation approach when supporting you to provide and promote healthy food and drinks.
This approach encourages leadership, organisational commitment and ownership for healthy eating changes, increases skills and knowledge and ensures that your efforts to promote healthy eating are sustained and supported in your organisation.

Please fill in the form to the right

Your outside school hours care details:
Is your service registered with the Achievement Program?
Healthy eating service checklist:
Steps to a healthy eating service (tick if yes)
Post training areas to address before submitting your menu (tick if yes)

Menu submission

After you have completed the Healthy eating in outside school hours care training and have made changes to your menu, choose one week to submit for review. Include the recipes and food and drink information provided for each day. Please also submit the same week’s menu plan so we can see the overall menu.

What to submit

One week of your menu
Include information about the food and drinks served at:

  • Breakfast (if served)
  • Afternoon tea (if served)
  • All drinks

Please provide detailed copies of recipes used to prepare the meals and snacks listed on your menu. Each recipe should include:

  • the number of serves the recipe provides
  • detailed ingredients such as wholemeal pasta, dried lentils, type of cheese
  • product information for any packaged foods such as brand names, canned fruit in natural juice/syrup, regular/saltreduced chicken stock, full fat/reduced fat cheese)
  • recipe method

Menu items without a recipe
Please list the quantity of each food and drink provided. For example; if afternoon tea is a fruit and veggie platter with corn cakes and milk is provided as a drink, please record as:

Afternoon tea

  • Fruit and vegetable platter: 6 apples, 6 bananas, 5 carrots, ½ celery bunch, 3 cucumbers
  • 5 x 150g multigrain corn cakes packets
  • 2L reduced fat milk, 2L soy milk, calcium fortified

How to submit your menu

Please send us the following documentation with your submission:

  • Your menu review booking form
  • A copy of one week of your menu plan
  • Specific meal, snack and drink information and recipes for the one week menu plan.

Submit to

Please allow 4–6 week to receive your menu review report.
Once our review is completed, we will email you a report highlighting areas where your menu meets the Food and drinks guidelines for outside school hours care and suggestions to help you provide a healthy menu for your service.

Having a menu that meets the Food and drink guidelines for outside school hours care is a great way for your service to strengthen its practice in Quality Area 2 of the National Quality Standard.

It also can support your school work towards meeting the requirements of the Healthy Eating and Oral Health benchmarks for the Achievement Program.

If you have any queries, please contact us on 1300 22 52 88 or email


National Nutrition Foundation will maintain the confidentiality of information you provide while working with the Healthy Eating Advisory Service to improve your menu. Your information will not be shared in a public domain without your permission. However, we may disclose information to health professionals or program partners for the purpose of providing you with support. We may also provide non-identifying information to other parties for reporting, research or
evaluation purposes. We will take all reasonable steps to protect the privacy of your personal information. If you want to access or change any of the information you have supplied, please phone us on 1300 22 52 88.