What we do

Healthy food and drinks are the norm where Victorians live, learn, work and play
Chetan Patel: We’re promoting healthier lives. A crucial part of that is what you’re eating.
Vanessa Korfiatis: The Healthy Eating Advisory Service is a free service, so there is project officer to support with implementing the Healthy Choices guidelines. Contact the Healthy Eating Advisory Service. They’re a really great first point of call. They’ll provide the mentorship training and point you in the right direction.
Crystie Ballard: The Healthy Eating Advisory Service were there to provide guidance of where to start.
Bruce Mackay: Having bodies like the Healthy Eating Advisory Service gives staff a resource to go to.
Anne McEvoy: The education provided by the Healthy Eating Advisory Service is definitely one of the winning factors.
Crystie Ballard: FoodChecker has been the number one that’s really helped to make this happen.
Chetan Patel: We’ll go into FoodChecker first, it will tell us if we’re compliant with our ratios.
Rebecca O’Sullivan: It gave myself and all staff that knowledge of what did fit into which category. The Healthy Eating Advisory Service are absolutely fundamental, you know. We couldn’t have done it without them.
To provide effective, innovative and evidence-informed support to organisations and to enable systems change to create healthier food environments
We believe that every Victorian should have access to healthier foods and drinks.
Since 2012, the Healthy Eating Advisory Service has supported organisations across Victoria to promote healthier foods and drinks and meet government food and drink policies and guidelines. We want to ensure that healthier food and drink options are ‘the norm’, not the exception.
Our team comes to work each day inspired to positively contribute to the health and wellbeing of all Victorians by increasing the supply and promotion of healthier food and drinks.

We strive to...
Increase the reach of our services enabling organisations to implement and maintain healthy food environments
Strengthen our support through training, coaching, tools and resources to enable organisations to successfully create healthier food environments
Partner and collaborate for effective implementation health eating initiatives
Demonstrate impact through regular monitoring and evaluation processes
Who we support
We’re here to support Victorian organisations to lead change across their community and implement food and drink supply policies and guidelines that promote health.
We support:
- Early childhood education and care services – long day care, family day care, kindergarten
- Outside school hours care services
- Schools and Tertiary Education
- Health services – hospitals, residential aged care and integrated community health services
- Sport and recreation facilities
- Sports clubs
- Community and council-run facilities
- Other workplaces
- Retail food industry and suppliers
Delivering on Government priorities
Our work directly contributes to the Victorian Government’s strategic vision of “Better health and wellbeing for all Victorians”.
This is reflected in the following key public health plans:
Victorian public health and wellbeing plan 2023 – 2027
Healthy kids, healthy futures five-year action plan
Our support is organisation wide
We know the most effective and sustained changes occur when there’s a concerted effort across the entire organisation. We support everyone in an organisation involved in providing and promoting healthier food and drinks.
This includes:
- Leadership and management
- Health promotion and nutrition professionals
- Canteen and food service
- Retail food industry and suppliers
What we offer
Ready to get started?
Find out more about the support we can provide.
The Healthy Eating Advisory Service is delivered by National Nutrition Foundation, with support from the Victorian Government.
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