Menu planning checklists for family day care
This resource contains checklists to help your family day care plan and review a menu. You will find a checklist to match the different meal times of a family day care.

What is the checklist for?
The Menu planning checklists for family day care outline the amounts and types of foods required to meet the nutrition needs of 1–5 year old children in family day care.
Who is the checklist for?
- Family day care providers
- Health promotion officer
- Council staff
Benefits to providing and promoting healthy foods and drinks while children are in care
- Helps your service meet the healthy food and drink requirements of the National Quality Framework
- Supports children’s growth and development, mental wellbeing, and oral health.
- Children learn better and are more alert when they eat well
- Engages and supports families to also provide and promote healthy eating at home
- Planning meals helps to reduce food wastage
The Menu planning checklists for family day care can be used to assess a 2-week menu. If your service uses a rotating menu, you will need to assess each week. These checklists can still be used if your service does not operate five days a week.
A service can choose to assess their own menu or seek support from the local health promotion workforce or local council.
Download the checklist
Three checklists are available to match the meal times of your family day care. Select the suitable ‘Menu planning checklist’ to plan or review your menu.

Step 1:
Download the checklist that is relevant to the service from the list above.
TIP! It’s easier to complete the checklist using Adobe Acrobat on your computer. If you don’t have access to Adobe Acrobat, a web browser will still work. You may also like to print out a copy of the checklist to manually assess the menu.
Step 2:
Have a copy of your 2-week menu ready to complete the checklist.
- The menu should include all recipes used, including all ingredients.
- Note down any specific details about the foods and drinks you use. For example, if a product is salt-reduced, or wholemeal.
Step 3:
Refer to the menu when completing the checklist.
- Place a tick in the box if your menu meets the guidelines.
- Use a cross to show that your menu does not yet meet the guidelines and will need some changes.
- For more information on foods and drinks that can be included on the menu, refer to the Menu planning guidelines for long day care.
Step 4:
If there are areas where your menu does not meet the guidelines, use this feedback to make changes to your menu.
- If you are unsure if the foods and drinks you are providing meet the guidelines, contact the Healthy Eating Advisory Service for free support.
Step 5:
Update the menu as necessary.
Step 6:
Once the menu has been updated, reassess it using the instructions from step 2.
Step 7:
When the menu meets all requirements of the checklist, use the completed checklist as evidence your service meets the National Quality Standard 2.1.3. You can also use this checklist as evidence for:
- Victorian Government recognition for the Healthy Eating and Oral Health Benchmark of the Achievement Program.
- The Smiles 4 Miles award, under the menu assessment award criteria “Eat Well” message.
For more information and support, contact the Healthy Eating Advisory Service.
Written and reviewed by dietitians and nutritionists at National Nutrition Foundation, with support from the Victorian Government.

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