Healthy school food services
Learn how to provide healthy foods and drinks in your primary or secondary school.
You will get the essential knowledge and skills to provide healthier options in line with the Department of Education and Canteens, Healthy Eating and Other Food Services Policy, and promote healthy eating to children and adolescents. You will be able to download a certificate after completing a short post-training questionnaire.
Who is this module for?
Training is recommended for anyone responsible for supplying foods and drinks in Victorian primary and secondary schools
- canteen management, staff and volunteers
- school management
- teachers and principals
- external suppliers, such as caterers and manufacturers
Learn about:
- the School Canteens and Other School Food Services Policy and how it applies to your school
- how to review your menu and classify foods and drinks using FoodChecker
- simple ways to make recipes and menus healthier
- healthy meal, snack and drink ideas
- how to promote healthier items to students
- dealing with challenges such time and costs
- getting the whole school community involved
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