Mini quiches – chicken and cherry tomato

Allergen – Contains gluten, egg, and dairy.
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two rows of mini chicken and cherry tomato quiches
g Breakfast Main meal

This recipe was developed by chefs at Western District Health Service.

  1. Pre heat the oven to 180°c.
  2. Lightly grease mini quiche trays, cut the pastry out to the appropriate size using a circle cutter. Press gently into the tray.
  3. Cut the chicken into fine dice, evenly distribute the chicken between the mini quiches and top with a half cherry tomato.
  4. Beat together the egg, cream and pepper, tip into a sauce squirty bottle.
  5. Fill the mini quiches to the top of the pastry, put into the oven for 12-15 minutes or until set and brown, serve hot or warm.