Cooks Connect

Introducing Cooks Connect, part of a new Healthy Eating Advisory Service initiative, designed to empower Health Promotion Officers in establishing and running a local cooks network. Co-designed and piloted with experienced health promoters, Cooks Connect offers an all-inclusive package to fuel your success and achieve your health promotion goals.

Not sure where to begin? Cooks Connect Toolkit
Cook boiling vegetables

What is a cooks network?

A cooks network is a collaborative community of long day care cooks that meet regularly to network, share knowledge and develop their skills in menu planning to align with the Menu planning guidelines for long day care and children’s nutrition-related needs. The network is typically facilitated by Health Promotion Officers (HPOs), bringing together cooks in their local area.

Why start a cooks network?

A cooks network is a great opportunity to build stronger relationships with the long day care centres in your area. By building a network of cooks, you can share information and resources more efficiently, which is a great opportunity to save time and get you closer to meeting your reporting requirements. A network can also help support you in increasing the uptake of healthy eating initiatives across your local community.

Cooks in long day care will also benefit from meeting with their peers, exchanging ideas, recipes and tips. By running a cooks network in your area, the cooks will have the opportunity to access free professional development and build on their skills to meet the nutrition needs of children in their care and create a healthier food environment.

Find a Cooks Network near you

Discover existing Cooks’ Networks in your area through this directory.

Build a cooks network

Cooks Connect Toolkit
Health promoter resources

Invaluable know-how, practical advice and customisable templates you need to...

Early childhood services
Cooks Connect Supporter Kit
Health promoter resources

The Cooks Connect Supporter Kit provides key messages, social media...

Early childhood services
Cooks Connect Certificate of Attendance
Health promoter resources

Use this editable certificate of attendance to acknowledge cooks who...

Early childhood services
Cooks Connect Participation Survey
Health promoter resources

This survey is a great way to collect initial information...

Early childhood services
Cooks Connect Satisfaction Survey
Health promoter resources

The satisfaction survey provides example questions to measure cooks’ satisfaction...

Early childhood services
Cooks Connect Professional Development Survey
Health promoter resources

This survey helps you measure if the professional development sessions...

Early childhood services
Cooks Connect Evaluation Tool
Health promoter resources

This Evaluation Tool allows you to evaluate the impact of...

Early childhood services
Mini Professional Development Session 3
Health promoter resources +1
Early childhood services
Find a Cooks Network near you
Health promoter resources +2

Cooks’ Network Directory is a list of existing cooks’ networks...

Early childhood services
Mini Professional Development Session 2
Health promoter resources +1
Early childhood services
Mini Professional Development Session 1
Health promoter resources +1
Early childhood services
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Provide professional development

Mini Professional Development Session 3
Health promoter resources +1
Early childhood services
Mini Professional Development Session 2
Health promoter resources +1
Early childhood services
Mini Professional Development Session 1
Health promoter resources +1
Early childhood services
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