Training & programs

Supporting a healthy eating culture.

Healthy Eating Advisory Service training

Understanding the Healthy Choices guidelines for retail food outlets and caterers
Health services Workplaces & Tertiary education Sport & recreation Training
Getting management on board
Health services Workplaces & Tertiary education Sport & recreation Training
Healthy school food services
Schools Training
Healthy eating in outside school hours care
OSHC Training
Planning healthy menus for long day care
Early childhood services Training
Promoting healthy eating in long day care
Early childhood services Training

Other programs and services

Early childhood

There are many ways to support a healthy eating culture in your early childhood service, and many programs and organisations who can continue to build healthy eating and oral health messages into your curriculum, policies and practices.

Health services

You can support a healthy eating culture in your health service. Access programs and organisations who can help you to build healthy eating messages into your food services, policies and practices.

Outside schools hours care

There are many ways to support a healthy eating culture in your service, and many programs and organisations who can continue to build healthy eating and oral health messages into your curriculum, policies and practices.


There are many ways to support a healthy eating culture in your school, and many programs and organisations who can continue to build healthy eating and oral health messages into your curriculum, policies and practices.

Sport and recreation

You can support a healthy eating culture in your sport and recreation facility. Access programs and organisations who can help you to build healthy eating messages into your food services, policies and practices.

Workplaces and Tertiary education

You can support a healthy eating culture in your workplace. Access programs and organisations who can help you to build healthy eating messages into your food services, policies and practices.